Sponsored Research Agreement vs Fee-for-Service


Sponsored Research Agreement Fee-for-Service
Purpose UCLA collaborates with sponsor to advance knowledge and/or develop a specific technology, product, or solution. Purchase agreement for an already developed service or product from UCLA.
Level of Control Sponsor provides direct input and/or guidance into the research direction. Client works with UCLA to define specific scope, timeline, and deliverable based on the client’s needs.
IP Rights Subject to, often lengthy, negotiations Client owns deliverables.
Publications University reserves publication rights unless otherwise negotiated. Client may request confidentiality on deliverables and publications.
Campus Oversight Technology Development Group (TDG) Business & Finance Solutions (BFS)
UCLA Purchasing


Have an industry practitioner that you’re already engaging with?  It is not always crystal clear whether an activity should be considered as sponsored research or business contract.  Let ICIC help you navigate the details to find the best solution.  Contact us!