Quantum Light-Matter Laboratories
The Quantum Light-Matter Laboratories provide the necessary equipment, facilities and expertise for high-performance experimental research. Trained personnel available to assist your needs on the following list of equipment:
High-power ultrafast lasers with pulse durations ranging from the picosecond to attosecond durations (10-12 to 10-18 seconds)
High-power and hyperspectral detectors from X-ray to THz
Fiber laser instrumentation
High-power RF equipment
High brightness electron guns
Precision diagnostics and controls such as waveform generators, oscilloscopes, and cameras
The Quantum Light-Matter capabilities underpin a myriad of applications in basic physical sciences, engineering, and defense. Examples include:
Imaging, spectroscopy, and quantum communication and protocols
Nano- and micro-printing
Material processing and ablation
Semiconductor manufacturing
Medical imaging, cancer treatments, and surgery
Nuclear fusion

IR Pulses (PHAROS)
1030 nm Fundamental Output
20 W max output power (at 10 kHz to 1000 kHz)
2.0 mJ/pulse max output energy (at up to 10 kHz)
< 190 fs fundamental pulse duration; 1 kHz – 1 MHz rep rate
Includes integral pulse picker, which may be used to effectively divide PRR
Includes laser control laptop with a preloaded extensive software package
ORPHEUS-ONE-HE mid-IR OPA, 1350 nm – 2000 nm (signal) and 2100 nm – 4500 nm (idler) tuning range
Mid-IR converter DFG, 4500 nm – 16000 nm tuning range
Harmonics (HIRO)
HIRO 2H-3H-4H external harmonics Generator, 515 nm, 343 nm, and 258 nm
THz Pulses
In-house developed ~0.1-1.2 THz source, single cycle and multi-cycle waveforms and picosecond duration.
Other configurations and frequencies are also possible upon inquiry.
UV, XUV, X-ray Sources
In-house developed < 30 fs broadband, tunable UV, VUV, XUV source
Higher photon energies, such as X-ray pulses, are possible upon inquiry.
Other Sources
Commercial ultralow-noise femtosecon oscillators such as Origami-15 and FLINT